Happy Halloween! This is quickly becoming EMN's favorite holiday. She loves the dressing up, the parties and visiting neighbors. Tonight she was Dora the Snow Princess and we finally convinced MTN to be Diego, the Animal Rescuer. We've been asking him what he would like to be, Diego or a chef, and his an
swer was always "just a boy".

EMN and I carved pumpkins after her rest. She was very specific about the designs and announced "pretty good Mom" when I was done.

Then she helped make dinner. We had mummies, which we never did successfully explain so we just left it as pigs in a blanket.
Then she helped make dinner. We had mummies, which we never did successfully explain so we just left it as pigs in a blanket.
Our neighborhood had a party in one of the cul-de-sacs and then Mike took the kids around door to door while I handed out candy back at the house. The kids were very excited about their loot and are looking forward to looks of treats over the next several weeks.