Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Harvest Festival at Coker UMC

Waiting for the neighborhood trunk or treat

My monarch being very literal about the TRUNK or treat

Halloween Parade

Checking out the loot

I'll stand still, but not for long!! There's CANDY out there!!!

I dressed up this year as a tourist/vacationer! All I'm missing is a Mai Tai ... And that's my personalized hat my parents got me in Jamaica lo those many years ago. It came in very handy!!

Nothing like a Daddy-Daughter pic. The Army man is there too. What? You don't see him?? He is camoflauged ... Look harder .... 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baptism Day

Several months ago, EMN asked us (her parents) if she could be baptized. After talking with her to make sure she understood the process, prayer among all of us and consultation with our pastor, we decided to proceed and choose August 29th as the date. As the time got closer, she was definitely very excited and told everyone she knew what would be happening on that Sunday. We were honored to have Mike's parents here to help celebrate the day. As their 9th grandchild was baptized, she wore a slip to the baptismal gown that all the other grandchildren have worn on their baptism days. MTN has not yet been baptized but thinks 5 may be the magic age. We'll see how his faith develops.

Here are a few pictures from the day.
Patiently waiting for her moment
Watching the font being filled

Being baptized

Waving to the congregation as the newest church member

EMN with Pastor Barbara and her baptism bear (to commemorate the day)

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of PreSchool!

Already leery of how many pictures Mom might take
MTN attended Mother's Day Out twice a week last year and now he's attending pre-school 5 days a week (4 half days and one long day). First a few pictures of the morning drop-off. Mike has Mondays off (Yay Guard!!) and so he accompanied us on this momentous occasion.

Showing off his nametag, just like his sister wore last year.

Happily at his assigned spot, sporting his new cheesy grin (hey, at least he's looking at the camera again!!)

A big change but he has been very excited about one thing in specific - the carpool lane. Many, many days he had to sit in the car waiting to pick up his sister and now he gets to be the one on the bench watching all the mini-vans roll by, waiting for just the right one to hop into.
Waiting for the OK from the teachers that it's safe to get up and get ready to hop in

He had a great first day and was extremely enthusiastic about everything. He loves his teacher, Mrs. (s)Mith [he doesn't pronounce it quite right and doesn't take to correction too well] and he tried to get friends to play airplanes with him but no one was ready just yet.
A picture perfect way to end a first day

After we dropped him off and headed to Starbucks for a coffee date, Mike and I recalled many difficult days of prying him off our legs to leave him anywhere - the gym, church, Bible study, MDO, childcare of any sort - and how those days seemed to drag on and on, from infancy to several times last year. I was always ready to be paged or called out of wherever I was because he was in a fit over being left behind. Today, he didn't seem to care one iota as he was ready to start his day. High five, big boy - Mom and Dad are super proud of you!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

After School

While I'm sure there are folks that are happy to see me blogging again, I promise I won't blog every morning and afternoon of my daughter's kindergarten year (although, she is abundantly precious and we have some conversations that really should be recorded for all to enjoy). This is her arriving to the section reserved for students walking home. Looks like a happy kindergartner to me!!

She said her first day was great but a little boring because she didn't get to play outside (over 100 but couldn't tell that from the long-sleeves she was wearing, could you!).  She met several new friends and listened well to her teacher. And she didn't wipe any boogers on Mrs. Segura's nice alphabet carpet!! (see: interesting conversations above - I'll spare you the rest of the details.) All in all, I'd say a pretty awesome first day of kindergarten. She liked the tour of the school because now she knows where everything is but lunch was a little sad (she missed me and MTN .... awwww) and because she has to sit at the nut-free table her class almost left without her. As I told her, the first week or so is for learning and everyone is figuring things out. In a few days everyone will get the hang of things and she'll be a pro. Then next year she can teach MTN when he goes off to kinder!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


First day!! I was way more jittery last night than she was (I was worried about sleeping too late.) Here is the morning in photos. Enjoy!!

MTN is actually kind of pleased with his independence.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Bluebonnets may be just about the best part of spring in Texas. Enjoy!

Many thanks to our friends who shared their incredible backyard with us and made these photos possible. We took these today up in Boerne and I just couldn't wait to share them with all of you!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Swim Suits in March

They played in the sprinklers for a bit but then decided that was a touch too chilly. Bikes are always a safe choice!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New York, Part 2

Nothing like a few pictures of summer to warm up a winter day.

Here's one of a the 4th of July picnic last year with Andrew and Phoebe manning the grill.

Grandma Hitchcock enjoying the day and visiting with friends and family.

Alison and David, newly engaged at the picnic! Congratulations!

MTN and his Daddy working on perfecting their baseball swing.

A double wagon-load for the tractor ride. We didn't lose anyone despite the bumps.

Uncle Jim teaches EMN and MTN how to play golf. FORE!!

My husband, Dad and brother deep in conversation as they cross the field.

Gramper John and Sparky keeping an eye on the softball field.

EMN and her two maternal aunts, Alison and Phoebe color a Disney princess.

Perfect picture of a summer day - kids slurp away on watermelon while a knitter completes all the rows she can while on vacation. As soon as I took the picture, I picked up my sticks and joined her!

Family dinner!

First crop from Nonna's garden. A teeny, tiny carrot, but this gardener couldn't be more proud of it, even if he didn't do a single bit of the work. In fact, he created more every now and then. Overwatering, pulling "weeds" that were actually vegetables, but he's enthusiastic!! Just needs a bit of extra supervision ... well, always.

Very proud of what she has harvested.
Hugs with Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Andrew before they returned home.

Playing with a dollhouse at her Great-Grandma Hitchcock's house.

Learing how to tap a Sugar Maple tree. Grandpa Tom could use the next generation of helpers this spring, I'm sure. I think Southwest Airlines is having a fare sale ... hmmm ...