Already leery of how many pictures Mom might take |
MTN attended Mother's Day Out twice a week last year and now he's attending pre-school 5 days a week (4 half days and one long day). First a few pictures of the morning drop-off. Mike has Mondays off (Yay Guard!!) and so he accompanied us on this momentous occasion.
Showing off his nametag, just like his sister wore last year. |
Happily at his assigned spot, sporting his new cheesy grin (hey, at least he's looking at the camera again!!) |
A big change but he has been very excited about one thing in specific - the carpool lane. Many, many days he had to sit in the car waiting to pick up his sister and now he gets to be the one on the bench watching all the mini-vans roll by, waiting for just the right one to hop into.
Waiting for the OK from the teachers that it's safe to get up and get ready to hop in |
He had a great first day and was extremely enthusiastic about everything. He loves his teacher, Mrs. (s)Mith [he doesn't pronounce it quite right and doesn't take to correction too well] and he tried to get friends to play airplanes with him but no one was ready just yet.
A picture perfect way to end a first day |
After we dropped him off and headed to Starbucks for a coffee date, Mike and I recalled many difficult days of prying him off our legs to leave him anywhere - the gym, church, Bible study, MDO, childcare of any sort - and how those days seemed to drag on and on, from infancy to several times last year. I was always ready to be paged or called out of wherever I was because he was in a fit over being left behind. Today, he didn't seem to care one iota as he was ready to start his day. High five, big boy - Mom and Dad are super proud of you!!