CHOCOLATE from A Chocolate Surprise ( They're a local store that just opened a few months ago here. All their goodies are handmade and must be eaten within a week. Like a good girl, I followed directions and here we are a week later and they're all gone. Now I need to hit the gym!
My son devouring a cupcake at the MOMS Club Valentine's day party at Nutin' But Fun... his hands never left the table so he kept ducking down to eat it. Determined is a good way to describe it. He definitely has a sweet tooth, something EMN has never had. He finished that cupcake so quickly I was shocked. And not just the frosting either!
Here's the beyond ... EMN and MTN on the phone with Nonna and Grandpa Tom. My kids can carry on quite the conversation when they feel inclined. EMN is on a Valentine's kick (as in: why is it over and I'm going to say Happy Valentine's Day and pass out cards regardless of what day it is) and MTN usually starts with "Ummmmmm, diskobumpaloffacar" which we can't translate because we don't understand him most of the time.
And I don't know what part of the world you're in, but here it certainly feels like spring. Check out the tree we planted last year .... new leaves and everything. The weather is fantastic and we're at the park almost every day. Don't feel jealous though. Before you know it, the temps will be too hot and we'll be tied to an air conditioner being envious of all of you enjoying summer and not hell-like heat.
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