The kids learned about the letter B this week so we baked banana bread (muffins). They loved it! Mike ate all the muffins because, in his words, they tasted awesome. We have at least 2 dozen bananas in the freezer that need to get used up so today we'll be making another dozen muffins. The kids are pretty good helpers in the kitchen as long as they share the step-stool nicely.
Today we went to the Kid n'Ewe festival in Boerne. I was interested in seeing all the yarny goodness and I was able to convince the kids it was a good idea because I promised there would be sheep and llamas there and a place for a picnic. Mike has drill this weekend so he missed out on the fun. I think the kids enjoyed themselves but they are certainly not country kids just yet. The barn was "stinky" and the animals were "scary." Never fear - they loved the spinners, weavers and knitters all over. We even saw bobbin lace being made (which reminded me of Burano Italy) and silk being processed (which reminded me of Beijing). Ok, so the kids weren't in on those trips so my little walk down memory lane bored them. They stuck with being mesmerized by the spinning wheels. They were very well behaved which made me extremely happy. They also kept me from any real shopping which the budget appreciates. And perhaps best of all, we took back roads home and the ride was gorgeous. EMN repeatedly mentioned "Mommy, it's a beautiful day" and "We're all alone out here." I explained that this is what Texas really looked like and she decided that maybe she does like it here. The Hill Country has some fantastic roads with spectacular scenery and enough dips and hills to feel like a roller coaster. A little something for everyone!
And yes, for the astute reader, those are goats. No sheep or llamas but goats and alpaca. Subtle difference to the kids' eyes.
And finally, I finished up my cardigan that I started in June and I'm beyond thrilled with it! It fits well, feels great and I'll be proud to wear it. I'm so happy it's done because the weather is starting to get chilly here in the mornings and this will be perfect to ward off the briskness. Now on to Christmas Stockings!
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