At the end is a picture of an empty bin from my purging session today. For years random bits and pieces were dumped in that bin. Today I sorted and purged it. It's nice to reclaim that space!
I'm not a true second timer but I did go through a major overhaul two years ago. I was fortunate enough to have a professional organizer come help me go through several rooms including my craft room. She helped me through the dumping and purging part (questioning my decisons so that I could make good choices, encouraging me to stay on task, etc.) and then helped put away.
It was a very emotional process for me. I was pregnant so that added to it, but I did go through a bit of a grieving process over the good intentions and ideas that I didn't follow through on. It was hard but cathartic. I can only think of one thing that I purged that I should have kept but since it's gone, I'm moving on.
In the years since I had a newborn and now toddler in addition to my older kids. I'm just now feeling creative again and digging my craft room out. I have done small projects here and there but a lot has piled up for "someday". So someday is now TODAY and each day for the next few weeks to come.
After the organizer left, I had stacks of paper (school, memorabilia, ephemera, etc) that I was tasked to purge, sort and deal with. I did a good job with about 75% of it and now it's time to tackle the rest. I feel so close to being able to document those times and make progress with the ideas in my head - I could cry all over again! It's so liberating to be able to achieve what I once thought was a long, long way off.
Thanks for being my therapist and sounding board!! It's nice to be among others who are in the same purging, organizing, mindset.
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