Thursday, June 28, 2007


If the yarn didn't get here today I think I would have really cried ... but no worries because it's here!!! We had summer movie time this morning (Open Season .... don't bother adding it to your Netflix list) and then a MOM'S Club budget meeting followed by errands. Plenty of time for the UPS guy to stop by and deliver without me pacing and running out into the street to greet him. After unloading two sleeping children, I was able to open my package and ooh and ahh. The yarn is so thin!!! I've never knit with anything lace weight so this will be challenging. And I've never knit off a cone. Speaking of cones, I can't believe how small 5000 yards looks on a cone! And I can't believe I bought 5000 yards of anything! So lots of new territory for me ... now I'm off to assemble a swatch. Photos later if I can wait that long!! I'm so excited I could just babble on and on but I really have something more important to do now - SWATCH!!!! I'm off ....


anphoe said...

I have showed my SnBers friends, they all think I should use size 3 needles and that is what I am going to use for my stole. Hope you are having fun with the lace weight yarn :D

anphoe said...

Hi Becky, I'm using an iPhone to post this. We are looking forward to seeing you on our way back through the US Love Andrew and Phoebe