Monday, September 30, 2013


I just got back from spending an evening out with my oldest daughter. What a nice time of enjoying each other's company. We went to Michael's to browse crafty stuff, which we both enjoy, then we headed to Barnes and Noble so she could spend a gift card. We also both love books and probably could have stayed there for quite some time.

We ate dinner at Pasha's, a mediterranean restaurant, her choice. It's surreal to sit with her and have conversations while sharing a meal. Part of me can't believe that she's almost 9. I was playing back so many memories in my head as I reflected back on her short life.

I'm so glad for these moments together. Quiet, unassuming, shared experiences that I hope she can look back on someday and know how much she was loved. I hope she can feel free to talk with me about anything and that she will value my counsel.

She's the baby who made me a mom and she's the young girl who continues to challenge me and grow me as a parent. I look forward to watching her growth as well. She's full of surprises but one thing is constant - she is a bright, inquisitive, loving girl who is finding her way in life. I love her heart.

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