Friday, October 11, 2013


After I hit publish yesterday I re-read some of my recent posts. Seems like Thursday is a theme. Oh well. It's a doozy of a day but hopefully next Thursday it won't be another rehash. I'm teaching at my Bible study to the adults - not just the two-year-olds! - and it's going to be a stretching experience for me. I still can't believe I signed up. I've got to buckle down and get something good together. These are 30 women I don't want to disappoint.

Today I went to Half Price Books. I went after my study and a trip to the Girl Scouts center to pick up uniform items for my little Brownie. The baby was being a trooper, perhaps living the dream of spending a day in her pajamas. Hey, if I can't, I'm glad someone can. Anyway, she was napping off and on so I decided to press my luck and go book shopping. I love books like I love craft supplies - I love the potential in them and I collect books and supplies with great plans in mind but too often there's too little follow through. So I browsed for awhile, kept one book that I might purchase and eventually walked out empty handed. So difficult but necessary. I found $20 in the washing machine (score! But it was from my own clothes so I was really just relieved to find it again). It was burning a hole in my pocket but I realized just collecting books does no good, I need to read the ones I have. So I spent some time this afternoon looking at my GoodReads lists and figuring out what sounds good to read next. I have so many self-help and devotion type books it's like I'm planning a major life change! So time to balance out the non-fiction with fiction.

Tomorrow my husband should return. So thankful. He's having a great time and I'm glad. A little envious, but glad. I get control of the TV remote so while it's not a fair trade, it helps lessen the sting. At some point he'll return the favor in kind. I look forward to a weekend to myself where I can have complete thoughts and adult conversations. Soon!

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